Chinese Characters: Learn Chinese Characters Visually - 森 sēn | Learning2060

This video is about Triple '木‘,森 Chinese Characters: Learn Chinese Characters Visually - 森 sēn | Learning2060 Basic Chinese Character Strokes - For Beginner Learners From Zero (FREE ONLINE LESSON) Chinese Writing - Basic Strokes Youtube Video: We use the ArtRage app to explain how to master the basics of writing Chinese Characters. This is useful for beginners from zero (with no knowledge of Chinese). It is also suitable for children as young as age 4 onwards as soon as they can draw simple strokes. There are 3 parts of this video lesson: Part 1. 0:18 Together, I go through all the commonly used Chinese strokes to write the basic radical 木。 Then, repeating this 'wood' 木 three times in this formation with 木+木, double 木 makes the Chinese Character 林 at the bottom is the character for 'forest', we write it like this 森。 Part 2. 1:15 Practice Round: This time, you will practice saying them outstroke by stroke, or together with me. Repeat the video as many times as you wish. Part 3. 2:27 Your Chance to Practice: This time, you will try to get them correct, one character at a time. By the end of the practice, you should be able to write these characters: 林 For other Hieroglyphic Chinese Characters In Series: 品, 众 for an example Writing Chinese Playlist: Some Basics Chinese Strokes : piě nà zhé gōu tí Before you start to watch this video, here are the rules of how we write each of the basic strokes: héng – a horizontal line. You put the pen down on the paper, start from the left side, and pull the pen, and once you get the end of the stroke you pick it up. When you write this horizontal line, please apply the pressure all the way through the stroke. Then, the stroke looks evenly thick at both ends. shù – a vertical line. Like writing heng, you apply the pressure all the way through the stroke from top to the bottom. zhé—a sharp turn. It looks like the corners of a box. You usually use it to combine a horizontal and vertical stroke. piě—a sloping line. You apply pressure at the beginning and pull the pen while decreasing the pressure towards the end of the stroke. So you can see the stroke is thick at the beginning and and thin at the end. The stroke can have many different variations. It can be very short. It can also be very long, starting almost vertically and finishing diagonally, with a sharpened tip at the end. nà—a long slant line, starting top left and finishes at the bottom right. Note that there should be a long extended, wide, and slightly thick shape at end of the stroke towards the bottom right. gōu – a small hook. You do a little flick of the pen at the end of heng, shu, or pie, but make sure you do it in the right direction diǎn – a dot starting top left and finishing at the bottom right. *tí—a short diagonal line. You put the pen down at the beginning and write it from the bottom upwards. As you pull it from bottom left to top right. You raise the pen and release it at the end. As you finish it, you can see a sharpened edge at the end. *wān – a curve bend towards certain directions. • ----- • Common uses • ----- • 光亮。例:明亮。bright 清楚,瞭解。例:明白。clear, understood 明亮。例:光明。brightly 有智慧。例:聰明。intelligent • ----- • E Q U I P M E N T U S E D • ----- • App: ArtRage Apple 12.9-inch iPad Pro Apple Pencil Filming Camera: Apple iPhone 7 smartphone • ----- • F R E E P R I N T A B L E S • ----- • If you want to learn to practice writing Chinese characters, download FREE printables: Chinese Writing Activity Printables: • ----- • M O R E C H I N E S E V I D E O S • ----- • CHINESE '出‘ TO GO OUT CHINESE '好‘ GOOD CHINESE '美‘ Beautiful CHINESE '尖‘ Sharp CHINESE '林‘ Lim CHINESE NUMBERS AND MONTHS OF THE YEAR CHINESE ZODIAC / ANIMALS CHINESE COLORS • ----- • L I N K S • ----- • B L O G P O S T : F A C E B O O K: I N S T A G R A M : M U S I C : C A M E R A : CANON 250D #learnchinese #basicsstrokes #chinesecharacters #learning2060 #writingchinesecharacters #会意字 #品字结构 #象形文字 #Hieroglyphic #象形文字 #Hieroglyphic


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