PS4 Hohokum Art Video Game

7 years old Hédi tries out Hohokum Art Video Game on Playstation4.
Hohokum is an art video game by developer Honeyslug in collaboration with British artist Richard Hogg and Sony Santa Monica and published by Sony for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. The player controls a snakelike creature to explore 17 whimsical worlds with no set objectives. The player-character is called the "Long Mover" and it glides. There is no correct way to play the game, which was designed to be enjoyed without necessarily pursuing objectives. It is non-linear and has no score, time limit, or tutorial. The developer described the game as about "relaxing in a space and just enjoying the experience and the music, instead of trying to complete it to make progress" There are 17 worlds, each with unique characters, a single primary goal, and secondary activities. In "Lamp Lighting", the player activates lights while flying past silhouettes, and each light adds a new layer of music. The player flies through a series of color-changing circles to access the next world. In Sponge Land, an underwater world, the player gathers fish to swim alongside the Long Mover. The player can collect seeds in the Kite Village. Another level lets the player create shapes in the sky by flying past stars. The worlds are presented in flat colors with no outlines, and all worlds are unlocked from the beginning of the game. The credits roll once a hidden multi-colored serpent is freed from each level. Footage captured using Apple iPhone 8 smartphone


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